News items from the area; more via our News main page and Events Diary pages

A selection of special services and events for Christmas across the churches are available.

2011 Lent Lecture series details now available, from 14 March until 11 April

12 December 2010: Carol singers in The Crescent led by Rev Steve Weatherley-Barton, Gosberton Baptist

Saturday 27 November, 8:00pm: TASTE in concert at St Nicolas Hall, The Vista, Spalding, PE11 2RA. Admission £2; part of the GSUS Live tour. More detail and background also available on this website

Thursday 18 November: CTSD meeting at St Thomas Road Methodist Church

November 2010: South Holland Fairtrade group website is now available via www.southhollandfairtrade.org.uk

Churches Together in Spalding & District. (CTSD) Meeting Held Tuesday 21 September
* Jenny Park, John Bennett and David Baldwin will be organising the next Lent Lectures on a Biblical theme to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible.
* Go ahead was given for expenditure on local advertising of Christmas activities
* Following Alison Combes resignation there is a vacancy for a secretary for CTSD. All present wished to thank Alison for all her work in the past for CTSD.

Just Ten 'laws of love set in stone' series by J John at the South Holland Centre (PE11 1SS), 7:30pm on Tuesdays from 28 September to the end of November - all welcome, free entry to the Function Suite
Many have heard of the Ten Commandments; this series looks at how these ten commandments - God's basic instructions - can help us live in freedom and love, even through tough times.
See also: September/October/November 2010; a page on the background to Just 10 for local churches is also available.

CTAL Notepad: the latest collection of news, articles, resources and events from Churches Together in All Lincolnshire is available on their website and also as a download at the foot of this page.

Churches Together in Spalding & District. (CTSD) Meeting Held Thursday 20 May
* After successfully using a Fresh Expressions programme for the Lent Lectures the Fresh Expressions Roadshow is coming to Spalding St Thomas's Road Methodist Church on the evenings of 30 June and 14 July. Refreshments will be served. All welcome.
* Overall the giving towards Christian Aid from CTSD is expected to be down this year. However the URC are organizing a Coffee Evening with Quiz, promise sales, Bring & Buy Sale and much more in their church hall at 7.00pm on Tuesday 22 June. Everyone welcome.
* Back to Church Sunday is 26th September and the title is 'The Big Welcome'. Information and support is available from their website www.backtochurch.co.uk
* GSUS Live is coming to Spalding hosted by Spalding Grammar School 1-5 November; Spalding High School 8-12 November; Gleed Boys School 15-19 November and Gleed Girls School 22-26 November tackling the subjects Fear, Faith and Rejection with the possibility of a concert by 'TASTE' to round it off on Saturday 27 November. More details on GSUS Live are available from their website gsuslive.co.uk.

Sunday 4 July: Party in the Park. Everyone welcome to join in the fun at Ascoughfee Park from 2.00pm-5.00pm. Puppets, dancers, bands and much more - just come along!

Good Friday 2 April,:10:00am: Procession of Witness, starting simultaneously from St Thomas Road Methodist and St Mary & St Nicolas to the Open Air service in Hall Place by 10:30am (URC if wet), followed by refreshments at URC.

Faithworks has published interviews with party leaders on their website along with further materials for this election.

24 April - 3 May: Church Flower Festivals; more details on our Flower Festivals page

Thursday 25 March, 7:30pm: Rev John Bennett was licensed as incumbent of St Mary & St Nicolas and priest in charge of St Paul's. Rt Rev John Saxbee, Bishop of Lincoln, led the service just two days before announcing his retirement.

The Disasters Emergency Committee welcomes donations to support those affected in Haiti and Chile

Monday evenings: 22 February - 22 March: Lent Lectures with opportunity for group discussion on the theme 'Six weeks to rediscover mission and re-imagine church'.

We have a gospel to proclaim but we live in interesting times. All welcome from 7:30pm at St Thomas Road Methodist.

Poster available to download at the foot of this page; a summary of the first and second talks are also available within this website.

22 February: Rediscovering mission and what that means for Church with Canon Ian Silk
1 March: Changing world, changing Church with Rev Vaughan Pollard
8 March: Re-imagining Church - Community with Dr Julie Doddrell
15 March: Re-imagining Church - Worship with Liz Jackson
22 March: Re-imagining Church - Leadership and discipleship with Dr Pete Atkins

Palm Sunday 28 March 10:45am united service at St Mary & St Nicolas: with Rev Dr David Coffey helping to establish 'where we go from here'.

The pink border on 14 March reflected the occasional use of the liturgical colour for Mothering Sunday

Sunday 2 May: Hustings meeting with 5 candidates at The Vista, Spalding. Refreshments from 7:30pm with questions 8pm prompt - 9.30pm. With Rev Jennifer Park and chairman David Baldwin were (pictured l-r) John Hayes (Conservative), Ashley Baxter (Green), Jenny Conroy (Liberal Democrat), Gareth Gould (Labour) and Richard Fairman (UKIP). Refreshments were served from 7:30pm with questions 8pm - 9.30pm

Questions were requested to be received by Friday 30 April.

Palm Sunday 28 March Procession from Holland Market (PE11 1RQ) at 10am via Hall Place, arriving at St Mary & St Nicolas for 10:45am united service

Rev Dr David Coffey (right) reminded the congregation how Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing as he explored: 'Where do we go from here', concluding the Lent Lectures series. Children's activities at Spalding Baptist Church, PE11 1BT

Thursday 25 March: 11:00am Mothers' Union Lady Day service with Rev Jenny Dumat, area chaplain, and Rev Vaughan Pollard followed by bring and share lunch. More pictures available on this website.

Friday 5 March: Women's World Day of Prayer; see also 2010 Diary for 5 February.
Pictures from the services available on the 2010 Diary page for March.
10:30am at St Paul's with Canon Margaret Barsley
7:30pm at Spalding Baptist with Rev Barbara Hutchinson

Friday 5 March: 10:30 for 11am - 4pm at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground, Lincoln, LN2 2NA. 'Changing the Landscape' - Fresh Expressions and the long term. Book via CTAL

18-25 January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 'You are witnesses to these things' based on Luke 24 v48

Monday 18 January, 7:30pm: WPCU service at St Norbert's (PE11 2XX) with speaker Rev Jenny Park; picture of all ministers at the close of the service (left)

Sunday 24 January: various pulpit swaps across the district.Pictures show (l) Rev David Clune at South Holland Community Church and (r) Rev Jenny Park celebrating the Eucharist at St Paul's.Also:
3pm Gosberton Methodist Church (PE11 4LE) led by Rev Maurice Perry
6:30pm Holbeach Methodist (PE12 7DR) with Rev Peter Garland

Monday 25 January: CTS&D Council Meeting; this website was launched after the meeting

Website news: now includes copies of the Covenants signed by subscribing member churches in 2004, 1996 & 1991 and a note from 1954.

Pictures below from 18-25 January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 'You are witnesses to these things' based on Luke 24 v48. Also available: a brief summary of the WPCU service at St Norbert's (pics include Flower Display).

Street Pastors... more news later in 2010